
My secret-consuming Pods get stuck Pending!

  1. Does the Pod have any events relating to scheduling? (kubectl describe pod/$POD_NAME)

  2. Is the PersistentVolumeClaim being created? It should have the name $POD_NAME-$VOLUME_NAME.

  3. Is the PersistentVolumeClaim bound to a PersistentVolume? If not:

    1. Does the PersistentVolumeClaim have any relevant events? (kubectl describe pvc/$PVC_NAME)

    2. If the PersistentVolumeClaim has no relevant events (or only an event that it is waiting for a volume to be provisioned), check the logs of the secret-operator sidecar container named external-provisioner.

    3. Does the PersistentVolumeClaim have a StorageClass set?

    4. Is the StorageClass configured to use the provisioner named

  4. Does the PersistentVolume have any relevant events? (kubectl describe pv/$PV_NAME)

  5. Is the CSIDriver object named configured correctly?

  6. Is the CSI driver registered on the relevant CSINode objects? (kubectl get csinode/$NODE_NAME -o yaml should contain the driver

  7. Does the secret-operator sidecar container named node-driver-registrar have any relevant log entries?

  8. Does the kubelet have any relevant log entries?