ADR008: Allow Reuse of Existing Kubernetes Operators
Status: approved
Florian Waibel
Lars Francke
Oliver Hessel
Sönke Liebau
Date: 15.01.2021
Context and Problem Statement
For some of the tools we plan to integrate there are existing operators that deploy these tools on Kubernetes. Most notably these tools are:
Some implementation effort may be avoided by reusing these operators instead of recreating the tool-specific functionality that is already implemented. Since these operators are designed to work with Kubernetes and thus exclusively focused on containers some translation of data structures and processes would be necessary.
Decision Drivers
Keeping the implementation effort as low as realistically possible
Keeping compatibility with Kubernetes as far as possible to ease a later move towards Kubernetes deployments
Avoid hard dependencies on external projects that may force us to fork in case they break compatibility with us
Considered Options
Allow reuse of Kubernetes operators (would need to be decided individually for every tool)
Don’t reuse operators
Decision Outcome
Chosen option: "Don’t reuse operators", because the core value proposition of Stackable is that customers can get all tools from one place. This sort of implies that everything looks, feels and behaves the same, which would be very tough to ensure when depending on external projects that all behave differently.
Even just looking at the two potential Kafka operators: Strimzi and Banzai, they choose substantially different approaches and adapting either one to our needs would have created substantial effort.
Pros and Cons of the Options
Allow reuse of Kubernetes operators
Good, because it saves implementation effort
Good, because this forces us to consider Kubernetes compatibility repeatedly
Bad, because we create a dependency on another project that may at some point break compatibility
Bad, because we need to adapt to interfaces that have been designed specifically with containers in mind